Professor Dr. med. Hubert Löwenheim
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Tübingen Hearing Research Centre
Elfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 5
D-72076 Tübingen
Phone: +49 (0)7071/29-88088
Fax: +49 (0)7071/29-3311
The Löwenheim group is located at the University of Tübingen Medical Centre, Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. The group has exclusive access to laboratories for biochemical, cell biological, molecular-biological and physiological work. There are three rooms equipped with biosafety cabinets for cell and organ culture, several shared central equipment core rooms, and two audio booths for small animals fully equipped for sophisticated auditory electrophysiology. There are three fluorescence microscopes (one LSM) exclusively used by the Löwenheim group. There is access to LSM, TEM and SEM electron microscopes located anatomical department of the University of Tübingen. Animal care facility (SPF) is located within the building. The medical school Tübingen has several core facilities, including DNA sequencing, microarray, laser dissection, FACS, PET, MET, Proteomics and transgenic mouse facility.
Senior staff:
Prof. Dr. med. Hubert Löwenheim, Leader of the project team “Translastional Medicine” at the
Tübingen Hearing Research Center, Ärztlicher Direktor, Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- und
Ohrenheilkunde Tübingen.
Curriculum vitae
Ass. Prof. Dr. Christopher Cederroth, Senior scientist: Christopher R. Cederroth joins the University Hospital of Tübingen in 2023 where he aims at bridging animal and human research in order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms causing auditory neuropathy, hearing loss and tinnitus, develop new objective measures, and therapeutic approaches for their treatment. Since 2022, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
Curriculum vitae
National and international scientific partners
Fero and Roberts, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle USA
Gharabaghi, Klinik für Neurochirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Kumagami, Nagasaki University, Japan
Heller, Stanford University, Stanford USA
Hirt, Anatomisches Institut der Universität Tübingen
Rask-Andersen, Department of Otosurgery, University Hospital Uppsala, Sweden
Schlosshauer, NMI Reutlingen
Schrattenholz, ProteoSys AG Mainz
Senn, Inselspital Bern, Schweiz
Tatagiba, Klinik für Neurochirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Wiesmüller, EMC microcollections GmbH Tübingen
Hubert Löwenheim | Anke Tropitzsch | Christopher Cederroth |
![]() | ![]() |
Professor, Lab Head | Research Scientist | Associate Prof. Senior Scientist |
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Secretariat | ||
07071-29-88006 | 07071-29-88088 | 07071-29-88177 |
PhD student
Mathieu Petremann Phone 88154
Martin Deligny Phone —-
Research Assistants:
Karina Gültig, Research Assistant Phone 88182
Andrea Müller, Research Assistant Phone 88182
Present grants:
2024-2028 :
Grant giving institution: EU-HE MSCA-HE
Title: Cochlear implants and spatial Hearing.
Coordinator of the Doctoral network
Follow us on X @Cherish_MSCA
Selected previous grants:
2013-2017 :
Grant giving institution: EU FP7
Title: Human stem cell applications for the treatment of hearing loss.
2012-2015 :
Grant giving institution: EU FP7
Title: Nanotechnology based cochlear implant with gapless interface to auditory neurons.
2011-2014 :
Grant giving institution: BMBF
Title: BioTransporter - Effizienter Wirkstofftransport in biologischen Systemen
Verbundprojekt: OtoPep, Peptid-Nanomatrix als Träger für siRNA zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen des zentralen und sensorischen Nervensystems.
2008-2012 :
Grant giving institution: BMBF Klinische Prüfung BEMED
Title: Durchführung einer klinischen Prüfung: „Therapie des M. Menière mit Betahistin: eine plazebo-kontrollierte Dosisfindungsstudie“ Studienzentrum Tübingen.
2011-2012 :
Grant giving institution: Stiftung SET
Title: Entwicklung eines auf Stammzellen basierten Modells des Innenohres: In vitro Modell für die Prüfung von Medikamenten zur Behandlung von Innenohrerkrankungen als Ersatzmethode zum Tierversuch.
2010-2011 :
Grant giving institution: Universität Tübingen IZKF
Title: Untersuchung zur Regulation des Neuritenwachstums im Spiralganglion des Innenohres durch neurotrophe Faktoren.
2009-2010 :
Grant giving institution: Proteosys AG
Title: Otoprotektion in vitro.
2007-2009 :
Grant giving institution: Ministerium für Ernährung und ländlichen Raum, Baden-Württemberg
Title: Entwicklung einer Organkultur der Cochlea adulter Mäuse
2005-2008 :
Grant giving institution: Sanitätsamt der Bundeswehr
Title: Untersuchungen des akuten Lärmtraumas beim Meerschweinchen.
November 2006- April 2008 :
Grant giving institution: BMBF
Title: Axonale Regeneration im zentralen Nervensystem in einer aktiven Nanofasermatrix (in Zusammenarbeit mit der Klinik für Neurochirurgie und EMC micrcollections GmbH).